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Welcome to Vibrant Life where I help you

find inspiration, take action, and create your most

Vibrant Life

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Vibrant Life Podcast 

The "Vibrant Life" Podcast is where I share my passion for helping you to create your most Vibrant Life. Listen for tips, mindset shifts, inspiration, and other self-development tools. I aim to equip you with applicable tools to implement into your life so you can create your most Vibrant Life whatever that means for you.
Listen Now

Learn more about my current offers 

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Work with me

I am currently offering limited spots for 1:1 coaching for women wanting to lose weight and or create their most Vibrant Life. 
For more information click below


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I have two signature courses that are offered once a year each. 
Healthy, Hot, & Happy 
It is designed to help you lose weight, gain energy, increase self-love, and create your dream body. 
Vibrant Life 
This course is where I share all the mindset shifts and tools needed to go from where you are to where you want to be. If you are ready to create a life beyond your wildest dreams, this is the course for you. 
You can join the waitlist here 

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Guided Journals are designed to guided you through powerful

self-development and journaling practices so you can find the ones that best suit you and use them to create your most

Vibrant Life

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Currently teaching Mat and Reformer Pilates at Mind Body Tribe Studio in Kendell, NSW

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Mental Pilates

Mental Pilates is a talk I offer to community groups. I share the science behind how the mind can help us to create our most Vibrant Life. Your community will learn how to implement this information into their daily lives to see incredible results and achieve their biggest desires. If you would like me to speak to your community please send me an email. 

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Join my email list to be the first to know about upcoming events and retreats. 

Contact me directly to book me for your retreat. I offer Mat Pilates, Reformer Pilates, Yoga, Plant-based Nutrition, Mental Pilates, and
Self-development Workshops 


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